Why HK? Abundance of opportunities 香港發展機遇
With a population of 7.3 million and 56 million annual visitors, Hong Kong’s food services and trading companies have a large customer...

如何用Desktop發布Instagram貼文、限時動態? 免安裝軟體,即時就能上傳
若覺得還要安裝外部軟體很麻煩,不妨試試看利用Instagram官方網頁版上傳貼文吧!只需要打開Chrome、Firefox或Safari瀏覽器,透過以下方法就能像在使用手機App一樣,直接上傳照片和發佈Stories限時動態貼文。 STEP 1 Open Instagram...

5 Benefits of Working With Social Media Influencers 與社交媒體影響者合作的5大好處
Do you want more exposure for your small business on social media? Don't know where to find the influencers and wondering if partnering...

Youtube Advertising
不可跳過的插播廣告 什麼是插播廣告? 不可跳過的插播廣告是在觀看合作夥伴內容前時會展示的前貼片廣告,中間貼片或後貼片廣告的視頻廣告。長可達15-20秒,觀眾必須在觀看所選視頻之前觀看廣告。伴隨的300x60像素的廣告單元通常可以與在桌面上顯示插播廣告的YouTube視頻一起...

Why HK? Premier Location 香港是國際物流及航運樞紐
Why HK? Hong Kong's Premier Location has long been one of the world’s leading sea and air cargo hubs. We serve a large portion of cargo...