4 Tips to boost your e-shop sales 四個實用方法吸引顧客到你網店
1. 關懷您的顧客 成為顧客的的朋友! 表現對顧客的關懷及時回覆,能帶來優質客戶服務質素,及時解決顧客問題,可以增加信譽度。 2. 社交媒體的互動,主動出擊 如果想有更多人關注您,您發表的內容必須新奇有趣,與眾不同。或可考慮在社交媒體上投放一些廣告及創新媒體。創造Viral...

Innovation and Technology 創新及科技
Key initiatives announced in the Policy Address include: · Inject $20 billion into the Research Endowment Fund of the Research...

Living in Hong Kong: Electricity/Gas 在港生活:電力/ 煤氣
Electricity 電力: The voltage in Hong Kong is 220V, therefore appliances from the US., Japan and other countries that use 110V will not...

在香港成立有限公司的好處: 獲得國際信用和信貸 Access to international credit and loan
Access to international credit and loan: Hong Kong is the Asia's economic and financial center. Credit is the basis for developing...