Innovation and Technology 創新及科技
Key initiatives announced in the Policy Address include: · Inject $20 billion into the Research Endowment Fund of the Research...

在香港成立有限公司的好處: 獲得國際信用和信貸 Access to international credit and loan
Access to international credit and loan: Hong Kong is the Asia's economic and financial center. Credit is the basis for developing...

Employment Policy 僱傭法規
Employment Policy There are minimum entitlements in place for Hong Kong employees. More information on entitlements such as statutory...

Support for businesses: Cyberport Incubation Programme 協助企業發展: 數碼港培育計劃
Cyberport Incubation Programme is for early-stage Hong Kong companies seeking growth in areas related to digital tech. The Cyberport...

Support for businesses: Design Incubation Programme 協助企業發展: 設計創業培育計劃 (DIP)
The Design Incubation Programme (DIP) provides incubates with office space and other professional support such as business knowledge...

Support for businesses: Incubation Programmes 協助企業發展: 培育計劃
Incubation Programmes Various programmes have been developed to provide comprehensive support for businesses. The Hong Kong Science &...