Government Support & Key Initiatives
Key initiatives announced in the 2019/20 Budget include: Provide a 50 percent profits tax concession to marine insurance businesses Set...
消委會測試29款口罩 3款過濾細菌效率高於99.9%
消委會之前從醫療用品店、藥房、家品店、便利店、超級市場、百貨公司、化妝品店搜集了29款口罩樣本,測試了它們的細菌過濾效率、顆粒過濾效率等。消委會測試市面29款口罩樣本的保護效能,發現2款來自內地的口罩濾菌率未達基本防護級別,其中一款最平的口罩,濾菌率僅達6成。 認識防護級別...
Living in Hong Kong: Typhoon and Storms 在港生活:颱風和風暴
In Hong Kong, the rainy season runs between Feb and March where the humidity can reach approximately 90% and typhoons usually hit during...