應科院發表《中小微企業替代信貸評估》白皮書 香港應用科技研究院(應科院)應香港金融管理局(金管局)委託,於今日發表《中小微企業替代信貸評估》白皮書,闡釋如何運用金融科技收集和利用替代數據,以評估借款人的信貸質素,從而擴大銀行中小微企融資服務的規模和提升企業獲得融資的機會。...

Living in Hong Kong: Amenities Payment Methods 在港生活:支付方式
When making monthly payments for basic amenities such as gas, electricity and water, the following are the most common methods available....

Introducing Top 15 Web based Project Management Software
1. Wrike - Accelerate your projects Wrike is all-in-one project management and collaboration software that brings thousands of teams...