Hong Kong Design
It is the mission of the "Creative Market" to promote the creative products with a local focus. We launch the "Creative Market" to raise public awareness of the important role that our Hong Kong creators play in society. We strive to organise cooperative projects to engage new markets and strengthen connections with them.
Under the theme ‘Creative Market- Like Hong Kong', we bring visitors to discover interesting creations in every corner of our city, displaying our city's energy and spirit and its cultural link.
燃點藝術靈感 注入創意力量
「 創作人市集 」有著推動美好生活的信念。它是一個藝術空間、協作社群、 共創社。任何人都可以在這裡自由地交流、盡情地試驗,發揮無限想像。我們以創作人市集出發,觸動創意思維,帶動藝術生活。 是視覺藝術交流的新平台,以培育年輕藝術人才及推廣原創精品,鼓動大眾共同參與及創作為目標;讓創作人及不同社群互相交流、發揮想像,讓藝術精品成為載體連結世界。 希望它能為創作人提供一個平台,一個機會去實現夢想。"讚好香港",是一個行動號召,邀請人們共同創造,維護香港核心價值,鼓勵保育香港本土創意文化和發揚"香港製造"之品牌價值。我們將繼續以深度發展為方向,舉行各類藝術相關之市集或培訓,擴闊各種可能性,提供空間,誘發嶄新思維。
理想: 與社群共同協作,交流創意靈感
使命: • 搭建橋樑 • 煥發熱情 • 持續發展 • 創意泉源
信念: • 賦權 • 連繫 • 激勵 • 協作
個性化文具 Personalized Stationery
頭像精品及貼紙 Personalized Gifts & Stickers
您在尋找自己肖像,Q版貼紙、匙扣、利是封或精品等嗎?Smiley Gift Club是心意小禮物俱樂部,貼紙大本營。您可以為訂製自己喜歡的精品和貼紙,請即選購!讓我們為您的生活添加色彩。祝玩的開心!
Are you looking for tailor made key chains, gifts, stickers and more? Here we have a thousand choice of gifts items and stickers. Get your hands on great gifts from Smiley Gift Club. For ready used stickers, please click HERE.
訂製小禮品 DIY Gifts
您在尋找獨一無二的心意小禮品嗎? 我們的DIY服務,適合任何場合,如公司開放日、學校迎生日,畢業禮,禮品紀念,婚宴回禮,嬰兒新生,生日聚會或婚禮。請即選購!讓我們為您的生活添加色彩!
Are you looking for special and tailor made products? Here we have a thousand choice of creations. Get your hands on great creative products from Smiley Gift Club. Decorate for any occasion like a baby shower, birthday party, or wedding. Start shopping today! Have fun.

Anli Vida
I love these designs - exactly what I have been looking.

Marcell Szűcs
Great value for money.

Richard Delacosta
The best of the best!!!