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Video Camera


Online Marketing

動畫短片製作方案 Infographic and Short Video Production

More Engaging Content Infographics and visuals appeal to us because we are visual creatures. The reason why visual content sells is that it evokes feelings that engage readers. Infographics and short videos are a powerful marketing tool because they are easy to understand funnily. We create short videos, videos from KOL, YouTubers, and infographics at a low cost and in practical ways. Call us now! 



B2B, B2C, C2C, O2O Interactive Strategy 互動策略

We maximize your customer acquisition and retention, develop B2B, B2C, C2C, O2O customers interaction strategies, KOL, WOM marketing and tailor exclusive VIP loyalty programs.  We provide one stop service for SEO, SEM and EDM design & sending services. We simplify all procedures and let you focus on your business.


協助您開發更多新客戶和保留現有客戶,開發B2B、B2C、C2C和 O2O客戶參與和互動策略及策劃專屬VIP的客戶忠誠計劃。我們提供一站式網上廣告,Facebook、Yahoo、Google、Bing、360、Baidu百度搜尋引擎推廣、微信管理、網頁優化 SEO、SEM、選擇更佳關建字等服務。助您將網上推廣化繁為簡 ! 電郵促銷推廣 EDM, E-newsletter 及網上廣告策劃、製作、傳送、廣告代理、KOL,YouTuber, 口碑傳播等,協助各大小企業於短時間內大幅提升營業額及知名度,增加業務利潤。

一站式方案 One-stop Service

"We help clients to manage and review their digital programs, WeChat, social media platforms, mobile Apps development and social media platforms management in one go!" 

We create effective, relevant, regular and timely communications with your customers thru digital, social media networking, Apps, and mobile marketing.  As a result, we extract greater value and insight, manage customer relationships , evaluate projects performance to achieve greater ROI.



更高投資回報率 Greater ROI 

We create effective, relevant, regular and timely communications with your customers thru digital, social media networking and mobile marketing.  As a result, we extract greater value and insight, manage customer relationships , evaluate projects performance to achieve greater ROI.


"Let us help you promote your business in all the social media channels & digital tools. "


協助您透過數碼科技發掘更多新客戶和保留現有客戶,開發B2B, B2C, C2C和O2O客戶互動策略及專屬VIP的忠誠計劃和互動社區。

Do you know?

A strong social media strategy is becoming fundamental for agencies and marketers, with the share of marketing budgets spent on social media expected to be increasing in the upcoming years.



How to do and what to do? 如何做到及應如何做?  

Below are some of the tactics: 



KOL/ YouTuber: 透過我們的YouTube 頻道,介紹著數情,飲食指南,旅遊玩樂食買玩資訊,接觸全球市場。Through our YouTube channel, we introduce information on JETSO tips, F&B tips, travel, entertainment, food, shopping, and playing. We also showcase travel destinations and reach out to the global market.


Facebook: 透過獨特內容的專頁,接觸全球市場。

Facebook: Reach the global market through a page with unique content.

You Tube:  字幕、音樂、微電影、旁白、動畫、展現當地頻道

You Tube: subtitles, music, short film, narration, animation, show local channels

Twitter: 管理特定興趣、當地社群

Twitter: Moderate and target specific interests, local communities

Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram: 經營社交媒體平台

Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram: run a social media platform

微博 Weibo, 人人網,優酷Youku, ВКонтакте 等網站: 開拓特定市場

Weibo Weibo,, Youku Youku, ВКонтакте and other websites: to develop specific markets

小紅書 Red: 開拓特定市場

Red Book: to develop specific markets

維基百科 Wikipedia, 百度知度等: 製作維基百科內容,向社群展示

Wikipedia Wikipedia, Baidu Zhidu, etc.: Make Wikipedia content and show it to the community

Trip Advisor, Yelp, Google Maps: 宣傳店舖,旅遊相關行業,針對地區群眾

Trip Advisor, Yelp, Google Maps: Promote store, hotels, F&B, target local people

MeWe: 針對關注數據隱私的用戶

MeWe: For users concerned about data privacy

Blog 博客: 針對不同國家、習性、語言的獨有社群
Blog: Unique communities for different countries, habits, languages

Forum 論壇: 提供像第三身的可信情報 (著數情報APPS)

Forum: Provide credible intelligence like a third body (Jetso Apps)

特定工具如 Engagor, Hootsuite, Hubspot, Similarweb, Adobe Marketing Cloud, SocialBakers, Lithium 等: 整合優化發布

Specific tools such as Engagor, Hootsuite, Hubspot, Similarweb, Adobe Marketing Cloud, SocialBakers, Lithium, etc.: Integrated optimization release

特定工具如 Sythesio, Linkfluence: 收集品牌對話內容,分析數據,按市場環境、用戶取向得出貼題報告

Specific tools such as Sythesio, Linkfluence: collect brand dialogue content, analyze data, and draw topic reports according to market environment and user orientation

專業分析工具如 Google Analytics, Lookerstudio, Omniture, Web Trends, 百度統計: 作出準確分析,優化轉化率 

Professional analysis tools such as Google Analytics, Looker Studio, Omniture, WebTrends, and Baidu Statistics make accurate analysis and optimize conversion rates.

For further inquiry, please contact us for details. 


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