We have a huge selection of fine sterling silver jewelry & cubic zirconia jewelry, and much more. Purchase one of gifts to ensure your gift is the best and looks the best! The bright cubic zirconia stones creats a beautiful and lovely ring. Just to send yourself or friend a lovely gift today!
我們有多種款式,精美的純銀、鍍銀首飾和鋯石首飾等。 即時購買禮物給您的最愛!
Weight重量: 8g
Color 顔色: Silver 銀色
Size 呎吋: FREE size 自由呎吋,適合任何人
Materials材料: Copper, Zircon
RING - Free size Series Blink stones Ribbon 自由呎吋系列 蝶舞飛戒指 (銀色)
HK$204.90 一般價格
Our cubic zirconia jewelrys capture and radiate light with brilliance and brightness reflecting light from every angle that make you look pretty and elegance. 即使是簡單的衣著、休閒裝扮亦能讓您變得格外獨特迷人,散發魅力豔光,展現獨一無二的個人風格。