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口味: 健康洋蔥包 

Taste: Healthy Onion Buns



Suitable for a one-pound bread machine. Individual package. It has a variety of tastes, ranging from crunchy to soft cotton texture. It is delicious. Each pack can make about one pound of fresh-made bread.


歡迎訂造。DIY packgage,烘焙工房,純私人活動。只限朋友,VIP。



The high Quality homemade Products suitable for all occassions! Made in Hong Kong, oil-free, low-sugar formula, suitable for home baking, Fresh made every day.


Ingredients 成份 

麵粉;酵母、糖、鹽、洋蔥乾 (內附酵母一小包),方便整作

淨重: 320克g

Flour; yeast, sugar, salt, dried onion (included a packet of yeas)

Net weight: 320g


Nutrition Information 營養成份 (每100克 Per 100g)

Energy 能量: 345/千卡

Protein 蛋白質: 13.5 /克g

Fat 脂肪: 2.1/ 克g

-Saturated Fat 飽和脂肪: 1.3/克g

-Trans Fat 反式脂肪: 0/克g

Carbohydrate碳水化合物: 67.8/克g

Sugar 糖: 3.2/克g

Sodium 鈉: 33/ 毫克 mg


食用期: 請參閱包裝

Expiry date: Please refer to the package.


面包機做法: Baking method (Bread machine):


Stir until gluten is fermented and put into molds.Bake in the oven at 180 degrees until it turns golden brown.



Please contact us for ordering the DIY package. SF Express delivery.

一磅面包機-健康洋蔥包 DIY Homemade Bread 預拌粉麵粉

HK$88.00 一般價格
  • 自己整麵包,so easy! 自己整,更健康好味。

    食用期: 新鮮製造,即買即食最佳 (以包裝所示為準)


    Home made bakery. Funny, healthy and delicious!

    Expiration date: Freshly made. Please refer to the package. 

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