新款純白色全自動面包機一台。可做各種口味的麵包,還可以按喜好加入果仁、綠茶粉、朱古力粉等。體積輕巧,顏值爆燈! 免費送您精美食譜!
小白合用,動和麵發酵,小型多功能揉麵,一體化全自動機,零知識可以零基礎也能做出大師級麵包! 有我們的獨門秘方,即時榮升烘焙聖手。做麵包零失敗! 家用全自動,日日有新鮮包食,再不用吃外面買的防腐劑麵包了。
Introducing you a brand new automatic bread machine in town! You can make various bread of with different flavors. You can also add nuts, green tea powder, chocolate powder, etc. according to your preferences. Small in size with good appearance! FREE recipes for you! Suitable for beginner with zero bakery knowledge. You will never fail. Automatically baking machine suitable for home use.
產地: 中國
European-style triangular plug, please prepare an adaptor.
功率: 500W及以下
機身材質: 塑料
加熱方式: 電熱管加熱
點用 How to use: YouTube 去片! Watch this!
Put in all the ingredients and the automatic bread machine will help you knead and mix the flour. Please wait for about an hour to ferment, the machine will start again and works for about 40 minutes to start baking. Relax and enjoy the delicious bread.
We are also selling different tastes of flour.
Suitable for a one-pound bread machine. Individual package. It has a variety of tastes, ranging from crunchy to soft cotton texture. It is delicious. Each pack can make about one pound of fresh-made bread.
Please contact us for ordering the DIY package. SF Express delivery.
全自動面包機 Auto Homemade Bakery Machine
自己整麵包,so easy! 自己整,更健康好味。全自動,乾淨俐落,只需按一個鍵,就可以每天都有新鮮麵包吃。
一磅面包機 DIY Homemade Bread Flour 預拌粉麵粉有售!
麵包粉食用期: 新鮮製造,即買即食最佳 (以包裝所示為準)
Home made bakery. Funny, healthy and delicious!
Expiration date: Freshly made. Please refer to the package.