Jewelry Return & Refund Policy
Return & Refund Policy
除非閣下能夠證明 (而該證明為我們所接受的) 貨品的損壞、缺陷或瑕疵是由我們或我們的送遞服務商導致的,否則已損壞或具缺陷或瑕疵的貨品均不能退貨或退款。我們將在您提供證據 (例如圖片) 後處理閣下的申請。
Unless you have proven to our satisfaction that damage, defacement, fault or defectiveness in the Goods was caused by us or our delivery service provider, any Goods that are damaged, defaced, faulty or defective will not be eligible for return or refund. We shall handle your request upon receiving your provision of evidence e.g. pictures.
Applicable Products
1. 本站內銷售的其他產品,除了首飾以外,一概不設退款。
For products selling in this web site, other than Jewelry are all non-refundable.
2. 銷售或促銷項目不可退貨。
No return is acceptable on sale or promotion items.
Terms & Conditions
1. 我們只接受損壞、瑕疵品或錯誤寄出的退或換貨。如閣下收到的貨品有任何損壞或瑕疵,或該貨品並不是閣下訂購的款式,請於3天內透過電郵與我們聯絡。所有退貨申請必須在收到產品後 3 個工作日內完成。
We only accepts the returns of defective, damaged or mistakenly sent items. If you receive an item that is defective, damaged or not the item you ordered, please send us an email within 3 business days after you have received the products. All requests for return must be made within 3 business days in receipt of the Product.
2. 閣下必須于我們寄出退或換貨確認後的 7 天內經可追蹤貨件的運輸途徑將貨品退回至我們指定地址,請保留寄件憑證及以電郵發送給我們作為記錄。
Returned products must be shipped by traceable carrier within 7 days to our Hong Kong office after you get the return confirmation form us. Please keep the mailing receipt and send it to our email address for record.
3. 就依據以上條款提出的退貨要求,我們會在收取閣下退回貨品之日起約 28 個工作日,根據本條款及條件向閣下退還閣下所支付之貨款,但不包括任何及所有適用的稅款及關稅、處理費用、航運費、送遞費及保險費。我們保留權利就我們處理閣下的退貨或退款申請而收取有關的合理行政收費。閣下必須支付退或換貨所需的運輸費用及其它相關費用。請注意,退款日期不是保證的,需視乎有關處理所需時間。
如果您未能退回包含原始包裝材料,保修卡和附件的原始包裝,所有退貨可能需要 15 %的補貨費和/ 或 10 %的手續費。 我們將會通過電子郵件確認安排。如果您有電子郵件垃圾郵件攔截器,您可能會收不到電子郵件,請臨時禁用垃圾郵件阻止功能。
If a claim is lodged in accordance with the provisions herein, we will endeavour to refund to you the amount paid for the Goods, net of any and all applicable taxes and duties, handling, shipping, delivery and insurance charges, about 28 working days after we have received the Goods. We retain the right to charge a reasonable administrative fees for our processing your application for a return or refund. The shipping fees and the related costs of the returned products will not be paid by Smiley Gift Club/ Like Hong Kong. Please note that the refund date is not guaranteed.
All Returns may be subject to a 15% restocking fee and/ or a 10% handling fee if you fail to return the original packaging included original packaging materials, warranty cards and accessories. We shall confirm the arrangement by email. If you have an e-mail spam blocker you may not receive the email. You may need to disable your spam blocker temporarily.
4. 所有退貨而產生或與之有關的費用、支出及風險(包括但不限於航運費、送遞費、保險費、手續費及/或行政費)概由閣下盡數承擔。閣下可考慮為退貨之貨品購買保險,但閣下將承擔任何有關保險的費用及/ 或風險。我們將不承擔任何因退貨或其相關事宜而產生的直接或間接的貨品的遺失或毀損。早前已附運費和手續費將不能退還。
All costs, expenses and risks arising from or in connection with the return of the Goods (including without limitation, shipping, delivery, insurance, handling and administrative charges) will be borne by you entirely. You may want to consider obtaining insurance for your shipment of the returned goods, but any such insurance will be obtained at your own cost and/or risk. We shall not bear any responsibility for any losses, direct or otherwise, that may arise from loss or damage of the Goods arising from or in connection with the return of the Goods. The original shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
5. 所作出之退款應退還至支付貨款所使用的信用卡/轉賬卡帳戶。
Refund of payment will be made to the credit/debit card account that was used for payment of the Goods.
6. 退還之貨品必須保持其未經改變的原始狀態及原始包裝。如果貨品已經穿戴或曾經使用,貨品將不能予以退貨或退款。
Goods must be returned in its original unaltered condition and original packaging. If the Goods have been worn or used, they shall no longer be eligible for return or refund hereunder.
7. 任何非依照上述規定之方式作出的退貨要求或申索將不會被處理、考慮或接受。
Any claim not made in the manner set out in this Clause above will not be processed, considered or accepted.
8. 基於個人衛生問題,所有耳環一律不設退換。
All the earrings cannot be exchanged and refunded due to hygienic reasons.
9. 退回貨品如於運送過程中有任何損壞或遺失,我們一概不承擔任何法律責任。
We bear no responsibilities for any loss or damage during delivery of the returned product(s).
10. 經查證後,如確定退回貨品屬瑕疵品或錯誤寄出的貨品,我們將郵寄新的貨品與閣下。過程需時約 28 天。
Products will be exchanged after we examined your returned product(s) and found us responsible for the product defects. The inspection will take about 28 days.
11. 我們會盡力於查證完成後 28 天內寄出貨品。
Smiley Gift Club will endeavor to ship the new product(s) out within 28 days.
12. 在相關法例允許的情況下,就每一個登記的戶口及每一個送貨地址而言,此退貨或退款權利限制在每 6個月只可行使 1 次。貨品不能被退還多於一次。
Subject to applicable law, the right to return or refund hereunder for each registered account will be limited to one claim per delivery address in every 6 months. No Goods can be returned more than once.
13. 我們會盡最大努力履行客戶透過本網站進行的銷售交易,惟若我們基於任何原因無法履行任何訂單交易,概不向任何人承擔任何法律責任。在上述所指情況下,閣下的訂單將被取消,而已付款項於扣除所有因取消訂單而引致的額外行政費、銀行、信用/ 轉帳卡公司或其他服務提供者所收的任何費用後,將全數退回予閣下。
Smiley Gift Club will endeavour to fulfill the purchased orders in this site but shall not be liable to any person if Smiley Gift Club declines to or is unable to fulfill an order for whatever reasons. Under such circumstances, your order will be cancelled and the payments will be refunded after deducting all the administrative cost, any fees charged by banks, credit/ debit card companies or other service providers raised due to whatever reasons.
14. 此網站只接受透過本網站購買的貨品進行更換或退款,恕不接受於其他途徑購買的本公司產品進行更換或退款,並須退回貨品及所有附件及包裝。
Only products purchased on this site can be exchanged or refunded. The returned item(s) must be accompanied by its /their original packaging and the packing slip. We will not handle any exchange or refund of products purchased in other channels.
15. 在適用法律允許的限度內,我們保留拒絕任何退還或退貨要求的權利。若因此導致任何爭端,我們的決定應為最終及確鑿的。
To the extent permitted by applicable law, we reserve our right to decline any claim for return or refund lodged hereunder, and if a dispute arises hereunder, our decision will be final and conclusive.
16. 在適用法律允許的限度內,我們均不會為貨品提供任何替換或更換服務。
To the extent permitted by applicable law, under no circumstances will we replace or exchange Goods.
17. 在適用法律允許的限度內,被刻字或度身訂造的貨品不得退還或退回。
To the extent permitted by applicable law, there shall be no right to refund or return Goods that are engraved or tailor made.
Repair and Maintenance Services
Please take good care of your jewelry. We do not provide repair and maintenance service.
2. 並非所有的商品都適合作大小或長度的調整,閣下應該細閱產品說明,以了解是否適合為閣下所購買的商品大小或長度。因呎吋不合一概不能退款。
Not all Goods are suitable for resizing or length adjustment and you should check and find out if the size and length is suitable for you. Products due to size unfit are non-refundable.