Web 1.0 Web 2.0, 3.0 and social networking - what is it all about? 什麼是1.0、2.0和3.0和社交網絡?
Web 1.0 Web 2.0,3.0和社交網絡 - 這是關於什麼?
什麼是Web 1.0?
什麼是Web 2.0?
Web2.0是基於互聯網的特性,讓人們在網上協作和共享信息。一些具有強大Web 2.0影響力的應用和服務的例子包括書籤共享、Google AdSense、RSS網絡訂閱、維基百科、新浪微博、OpenRice、Google +、Twitter、Instagram和目前存在的數千個mashup。
社會工程(social engineering )是與黑客相關的術語。社交工程陷阱,通常是利用大衆疏於防範的小詭計,以交談、欺騙、假冒或口語用字等方式,從用戶中套取系統的秘密如用戶名單、密碼及網絡結構,讓受害者掉入陷阱。
從社會學角度定義,社會網絡(social network)乃社會中的個人與他人透過互動的關係而進行某程度的聯繫。社會的組成可以是數人的小群集,以至於一個龐大的團體。從社會互動的層面分析,社會成員中彼此間有關聯性(relationship)、內聚力(cohesion)、共同興趣(interest)、價值觀(value)、表徵(representations),或共同社會背景。基於互動之需求,社會的成員會透過個人的網絡結構進行交流。
隨著網路科技的進步,各種社會網絡的工具不斷研發,例如:Facebook、Twiter、MySpace等網路平台,使用戶之間自由發起高度交互式服務,並且易於向其他人推廣這些興趣,單個推薦就可能會產生巨大的購買影響。 社交網絡另一個很好的例子是MySpace.com ,這個在線社區,讓您認識朋友的朋友和同事。LinkedIn也是一個很好的例子。也有不少人使用論壇作為營銷工具,進入Web 2.0時代, 對於初學者,我們建議如果您希望其他人能夠轉發您的內容,同時直接從您的網站上提供文章,您可能需要考慮使用RSS網絡訂閱源進行自動化,這就很容易實現自動轉發及宣傳。 邀請開發人員對您的推文 (Feed) 進行評論,問他們應該如何演變,您可能會發現其中一些人可與您合作,並協助改善您的Feed,從而使您受益。
什麼是Web 3.0?
自我創造和沈浸。 這是關於語義網(或意義fot數據),個性化(例如iGoolge),智能搜索和bebaviour廣告等等。
Nova Spivack建議將Web 3.0的定義,延伸至當前各大技術潮流邁向新的成熟階段的具體體現,包括:
分佈式數據庫:萬維數據庫(「World Wide Database」,由語義網的技術實現)。

Web 1.0 Web 2.0, 3.0 and social networking - what is it all about?
What is Web 1.0?
Self-entertainment and download.
What is Web 2.0?
Self-publishing and upload.
The second-generation of Internet-based services that let people collaborate and share information online. Some examples of applications and services with strong Web 2.0 influences are bookmark sharing, Google AdSense, RSS web feeds, Wikipedia, Sina Micro-blog, OpenRice, Google+, Twitter, Instagram and the thousands of mashups currently in existence.
What are social networking applications?
There's a huge difference between social networking and social engineering. Social engineering is a term related to hacking. Social networking services relating to the web are where a group of people launch a highly interactive service based on common interests between users and easy to use communications tools to detail and promote those interests to others. A single recommendation may wield a great deal of purchasing influence.
A great example of social networking is the hugely popular MySpace.com - an online community that lets you meet your friends' friends and colleagues. From an eCommerce aspect, LinkedIn is a great example.
General user communities will also become increasingly important - using forums as a marketing tool only or just for traffic generation will fall by the wayside in many cases.
Getting into Web 2.0
For starters, I suggest if you have content you wish for others to reproduce, while offering articles directly from your site, you may want to consider automating this somewhat using an RSS web feed - it's pretty simple to implement.
Invite developers to comment on your feeds; ask them how it should evolve. You may find some of them wanting to collaborate with you in improving your feeds in a way that will benefit you.
What is Web 3.0?
Self-Creation and immersion.
This is about semantic web (or the meaning fot data), personalization (eg. iGoolge), intelligent search and bebaviour advertising among other things.
Counts, S. & Fisher, K. E. (2010). Mobile social networking as information ground: A case study. Library & Information Research, 32(2), 98-115.