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百度推廣簡介 An Introduction of Baidu




  • 在百度,平均每天有約228萬次農牧牧漁信息搜索

  • 是全球最大的中文搜索引擎

  • 每天響應五十億次搜索請求

  • 通過關鍵詞,幫你鎖定有需求的客戶

  • 通過地域,時間的篩選幫您有針對性的覆蓋有需要的客戶

  • 根據您的需要,設置分地域,分時投放,設置每日,週推廣花費上限, 合理管理

無論您是什麼業務,如果您想進軍國內市場,我們都能為您度身訂造切合的宣傳方案! 請即聯絡我們查詢。

What is Baidu?

An Introduction of Baidu

Baidu is the pay-per-click advertising promotion in Mainland. It is simple and convenient to operate on web and bring to the enterprise a large number of potential customers. Baidu can effectively enhance clients' brand visibility and boost their sales.

Currently, more than 100 million people a day in Baidu seach information online. Companies registered in Baidu with the product-related keywords will allow readers be proactive to find these products online and link with their companies.

  • An average of about 228 million times a day, searching "farming, fishery information" online

  • It is the world's largest Chinese search engine

  • It responses to five billion searches per day

  • Through keywords, you can push your companies' information to your potential customers

  • Through geographical, time screening and other configuration, Baidu can assist you target and cover the right target segments

  • Based on your needs, you can set up sub-regional, time for posting, and also set daily, weekly promotion spending limit. It is easy to manage.

No matter what business, we can tailor-made a suitable Baidu advertising plan to you! Please contact us for inquiry.

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