Supportive Government 特區政府「促成者」和「推廣者」角色
Hong Kong is a dynamic city that bridging the Mainland China and international market. Hong Kong is an open, freest and most competitive city. The national Belt and Road Initiative and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Bay Area have brought enormous opportunities.
The government shall play the role of a “facilitator” and “promoter”. Under “One Country, Two Systems”, Hong Kong will continue to promote free trade and enhance its status as an international financial, IT, transportation and trade centre.
More about the Policy Address (2018), please click HERE.
更多關於施政報告(2018) 的資料,請按此。
More about the Financial Budget (2019-2020), please click HERE.
更多關於政府財政預算案 (2019-2020) 的資料,請按此。