Living in Hong Kong: Typhoon and Storms 在港生活:颱風和風暴
In Hong Kong, the rainy season runs between Feb and March where the humidity can reach approximately 90% and typhoons usually hit during the summer.
The window installation standard of the buildings in Hong Kong are not the best and they are often loosely fitted causing water leak when faced with strong rainstorm or typhoon weather. It is the tenant’s responsibility to take all precautionary measures to prevent the damage. Please follow the below steps when there is a possibility of heavy rain and wind:
1) Close all windows.
2) Close all the ventilation fans installed in the windows.
Window fans have cover and when it is open, the strong wind can easily blow off the cover and rain will come in.
3) Remove items kept near the windows. Water and broken windows may cause serious damage to your belongings.
4) Secure the windows by putting tape over the glasses to avoid water leaking.
After you take the above measurement, you must be safe in Hong Kong during typhoon seasons. Wish you have a happy stay in Hong Kong.
2)關閉通風扇。 通風扇上的蓋子,當它打開時,強風很容易吹掉,雨水也會進來。在這種情況下,租戶將承擔相應的費用。
3)取下靠近窗戶的物品。 水和破窗可能會對您的財物造成嚴重損壞。