Living in Hong Kong: Amenities Payment Methods 在港生活:支付方式
When making monthly payments for basic amenities such as gas, electricity and water,
the following are the most common methods available.
1) Auto Pay 自動轉帳
2) ATM 櫃員機
3) Check 支票
4) Online 線上支付
5) Post office 郵局 6) Service counter 服務台
7) 7-11, Circle K, VanGo 便利店、華潤萬家生活超市或便利超市
8) Others 其他
Tips 提示:
Auto pay services allows for hassle free payments made directly out of your account to the proprietor monthly. Application forms are available from your bank. The service may take up to 1 month to implement. During your absence or when moving from Hong Kong, remember to cancel the service. If the receiver’s account number is known, payments can be made through ATMs found throughout the city.
自動付費服務允許您每月直接從您的帳戶向所有者支付付款。您可向銀行提出申請。該服務可能需要長達1個月的時間才能實施。在您離港時,請記得取消該服務。 如果您知道收款人帳號,可以通過ATM進行付款。
Checks may be mailed to the recipient’s address, but receipts may not be issued. Internet payments can also be made. For instructions, please visit the service provider website for details.
Cashiers checks are available from post offices.
When calling customer service or enquiring about specific issues regarding your bill or service, having your account number found on any bill or receipt will be very helpful in avoiding long waits and hassle. These services include your phone, internet and cable TV providers.