Augmented Reality (AR), IG Filter
擴增實境AR / IG Filter 瀘境特效宣傳推廣方案
一站式方案 One-stop Service
What is IG Filter (IG) photo booth promotion?
An Instagram filter is a feature within the social platform that allows you to edit your photo with one click, by simply applying pre-set edits to the image that Instagram has created for you. It is the perfect and safe way to promote your event, activities, parties to your friends and business partners. This "moving billboard" and "photo booth" concept is a trendy innovation and solution that offers promotional opportunities to schools, university's open days, inauguration, ceremony, anniversary, wedding, parties and all promotional activities under outbreak of COVID-19. We provide one stop service from concept development to design, layout creation, UAT testing to launch on IG platforms. Contact us today for details! If you are interested in the solution, please Buy here.
我們幫助客戶針對其目標群眾,運用Instagram過濾器,在COVID-19期間提供特別宣傳方案。IG Filter 是社交平台中的一項功能,通過簡單地將預設編輯應用於Instagram為您創建的圖像,即可一鍵編輯照片。這是向您的朋友和業務合作夥伴宣傳活動,聚會的理想方式。應用範圍甚廣,由學校開放日、畢業禮、婚禮宴會、就職典禮、公司推廣活動至小型派對,使用IG Filter作網絡推廣,能達到廣泛宣傳效果。我們為客戶提供一站式制作、設計、宣傳方案,歡迎查詢。購買方案請按此。
What is Augmented Reality (AR)?
Augmented Reality (AR) can add a whole new dimension to your product and service that connect with your customer in a new way. AR is a very effective tool for product visualization. On traditional marketing materials such as brochures and leaflets, there is limited space for images and text on a single page. With AR as an add-on experience for your products, it is much more flexible to provide any sort of interaction, game elements and tour guides etc to provide a seamless experience to the visitors. Different virtual elements can be integrated into your products giving different experiences.
AR does not only serves as a gimmick to attract the attention of your customers, but it could also add tremendous values to your brand and products through tailored made AR effects. Designing AR effects with realistic values from the end users’ perspective as a solution is our core focus at Like Hong
我們幫助客戶針對其目標群眾,運用擴增實境(Augmented Reality,簡稱AR),透過攝影機影像的位置及角度精算並加上圖像分析技術,讓螢幕上的虛擬世界與現實世界場景進行結合與互動。隨著隨身電子產品運算能力的提升,擴增實境的用途也越來越廣,適合應用在各行各業。我們協助您管理客戶關係、洞察最大價值,實現更高的投資回報率。我們幫助客戶管理和審查數碼方案、網絡推廣,提供一站式制作、設計、宣傳及擴增實境方案。
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